Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Definitely Not the Chit Channel wishes a Happy New Year 2024 to all our posters and their families 😍 🍸

The Definitely Not the Chit Channel wishes a Happy New Year 2024 to all our posters and their families 😍🍸

Bellow on the Disqus comments board are links to the latest interesting discussion pages

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Friday, December 29, 2023

What new pages are on Disqus Channels today Friday 29th December 2023?

What new pages are on Disqus Channels today Friday 29th December 2023?

Bellow on the Disqus comments board are links to the latest interesting discussion pages

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

What new pages are on Disqus Channels today Thursday 28th December 2023?

 What new pages are on Disqus Channels today Thursday 28th December 2023?

Bellow on the Disqus comments board are links to the latest interesting discussion pages

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

What new pages are on Disqus Channels today Wednesday 27th December 2023?

 What new discussion pages are on Disqus Channels today Wednesday 27th December 2023?

Bellow on the Disqus comments board are links to the latest interesting discussion pages

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Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas Day all and introducing a new service to our readers

Merry Christmas Day all and introducing a new service to our readers 

One of the big negatives on the new Disqus Channels is the lack of automated invite notification sent out by the moderators when a new discussion page is created on a channel and this I was told by the Disqus staff Mod Finn is due to an unresolved  technical problem with automated invites and as yet no solution is in sight. 

Add to that the Disqus Mod Bot is constantly deleting Tagged Invites by posters who put up new discussion pages on channels as Spam  (it happened to me twice) and you have a situation where the smaller and much newer channels are almost dead as nobody goes to new pages on them due to no invitations going out to followers of the channel .

I have come up with a partial solution, it is not perfect but an interim measure until Disqus either fixes the automated invites problem or allows posters to post tag lists without the erratic Mod Bot considering them Spam and immediately removing them. 

My far from perfect solution is to use my blog as a Gateway for posters to tag out invitations to new pages that they have put up on channels.

So how does it work?  I will allow any poster, including posters who do not normally post on my blog, to make a post on any open DNTCCC discussion page inviting readers to a page on one of the new Disqus channels.  All they have to do is post the name of the new page and which channel it is on, give a link to the page and post bellow it a Tag list of those posters they wish to invite to their discussion

I have posted an Example of what to do on the comments page bellow

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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel's Christmas Greetings page 2023

 Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel's Christmas Greetings page 2023

Wishing all our readers and their families a Merry Christmas and good will to all Men, Women and Children on earth

Feel free to post Christmas greetings, videos, photos, memes and Gifs!

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Friday, December 22, 2023

Happy Friday to all on the Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel, the independent website without AI Mods and no restricted word filter

 Happy Friday to all on the Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel, the independent website without AI Mods and no restricted word filter to block or remove your posts

I really hate the fact that Disqus is using its new channel network to develop its new Mod Bot program as a weapon to suppress fair comments and the fact that we ordinary Disqus users are the cannon fodder they are experimenting on!

What are your views on AI Mods and having Disqus censor your opinions?

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Thursday, December 21, 2023

The new Disqus channels need more Mods and a way to find active and interesting posters on the new channels.

The new Disqus channels need more Mods and a way to find active and interesting posters on the new channels. 

Right now the few Mods on the channels are either Disqus employees who work a 40 hour 5 day working week in San Francisco and are not on line at the Weekends or are longtime All Star volunteer Mods on the Discuss Disqus channel, however they are unable to fix problems themselves and have to refer them to Disqus, which is fine from Monday to Friday but as we all know Disqus suffers from frequent Weekend technical glitches and mass spam attacks to say nothing of serial trolls appearing with new accounts over the Weekend as they have until Monday to harass posters before being banned.

Who would you like to be added as a mod on any of the channels you post on and why? (You can propose yourself if you like)

Would you like some sort of central directory of active channel posters and should it be located as a permanent link to the Discuss Disqus channel or be a channel in its own right?

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

What are your favorite Disqus channels, which mods and posters do you like or dislike and have you been banned on a channel?

 What are your favorite Disqus channels, which mods and posters do you like or dislike and have you been banned on a channel?

Feel free to criticize anything or any poster on the channel network! Don't hold back - I removed the restricted word filter on here!

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Welcome to Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel, a new blog to discuss Disqus's new channel network.

Greetings and Welcome to Definitely Not the Chit Chat channel, a new blog to discuss  Disqus's new channel network. Created on Wednesday 20th December 2023 and owned by thenewgatekeeper (for short call me TNG)

Please respect other posters and the Mod Team. Note that we adhere to Disqus basic commenting rules and any blog specific rules that I might add from time to time

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DNTCCC Crime News: Luton: Man, 18, appears in court charged with murder of two teenagers and woman

Luton: Man, 18, appears in court charged with murder of two teenagers and woman Nicholas Prosper, of Leabank, spoke to confirm his name and ...